Monday, April 25, 2011


I can't talk. It's been 17 1/2 hours. I just read a Mother Teresa quote about how nature is silent and God is in silence. The crickets sure aren't silent right now though.

What about the wind? It doesn't really make any noise, but I can hear it. I hear it moving, but it has no voice. No voice, and yet it has the ability to destroy homes, knock down trees; wind is strong! But it is silent. We say we hear the wind whistling, but that's nothing more than the sound of its movement reacting with the environment. 

This event is all about speaking out without speaking. The wind is a good example of what we hope to accomplish. Even though we are silenced, we are as loud as ever as we interact with our environment, our society. Our silence is strange. It merits reactions, responses, action! Words are cheap. Action, on the other hand, action... it makes waves. One drop in the ocean. Change isn't initiated with empty words and promises; it happens when we ACT. Right now 90,000 supporters of Invisible Children are silent. That has generated more change than even the most eloquent speech could have generated. When we break the silence tonight, I can't even imagine the wave that will start. Thousands of voices simultaneously silenced, then simultaneously unleashed, each with renewed passion for the cause they went silent for... we're going to change the world.

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