Wednesday, March 25, 2015

10 Ways the Bible Honors Women: Part 5

9. Women as Brides

One of the overarching themes in scripture is that the Church serves as the Bride of Christ. This can be a difficult doctrine to comprehend, especially as a man in the Church. The status of women is elevated in this metaphorical model. To Christ, his Church is worth redeeming, marrying, and remaining faithful to for all of eternity. We are one with Christ because his Spirit is put within us: an unparalleled level of intimacy. All women may not exist to be brides, but women are created to reflect God and take part in the Church as the Bride of Christ. God uses a feminine role to encompass all of the Church, men and women included, and to reveal the nature of our relationship with Jesus and our role on the planet. It is not a small matter that God would choose to express the depth of his love for us in the way a man would love his precious bride.

10. Women as Purposeful

Eve is commonly seen as the originator of sin and blamed for the fall of man. However, her name, which Adam gave her after the fall, means “life.” She is the progenitor of all mankind, and an archetype of the Church. God’s purposeful design for woman is reflected in the creation of Eve as a compliment to Adam and a representation of God’s own image. Genesis details the creation of both Adam and Eve, and they are each created in the image of God. This is less about Adam needing an Eve and more about God desiring to make humanity reflect him. Adam did not encompass the full image of God on his own, nor did he possess all of the qualities of the Trinity. Eve compliments Adam as a necessary component for human flourishing, but also as one who is made in the image of God. For example, Eve’s role as a helpmate for Adam reflects God’s helping of his children. In fact, the same word is used to describe both Eve and the Lord in Scripture. Her marriage with Adam foreshadows Christ, who is the second Adam, and his marriage with the Church. She is to compliment her husband Adam, as we are to compliment our husband Jesus.


Part 1: Women as Leaders and Assertive
Part 2: Women as Equal and Courageous
Part 3: Women as Faithful and Valuable
Part 4: Women as Independent and Co-Heirs and Priests

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